Thursday, October 15, 2009
Being Crafty
Sunday, October 11, 2009
I miss you BYU-Idaho.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Not the Best Idea
Alumna sues college because she hasn't found a job
- Monroe College graduate says career office didn't help her with job placement
- She seeks $70,000 for tuition and $2,000 to compensate for stress
- Office shows preferential treatment to students with better grades, she says
- College says it is "committed to working with all its students"
By Jason Kessler
Trina Thompson, 27, of the Bronx, graduated from New York's Monroe College in April with a bachelor of business administration degree in information technology.
On July 24, she filed suit against the college in Bronx Supreme Court, alleging that Monroe's "Office of Career Advancement did not help me with a full-time job placement. I am also suing them because of the stress I have been going through."
The college responded that it offers job-search support to all its students.
In her complaint, Thompson says she seeks $70,000 in reimbursement for her tuition and $2,000 to compensate for the stress of her three-month job search.
As Thompson sees it, any reasonable employer would pounce on an applicant with her academic credentials, which include a 2.7 grade-point average and a solid attendance record. But Monroe's career-services department has put forth insufficient effort to help her secure employment, she claims.
"They're supposed to say, 'I got this student, her attendance is good, her GPA is all right -- can you interview this person?' They're not doing that," she said.
Don't Miss
Thompson said she has fulfilled her end of the job-search bargain, peppering companies listed on Monroe's e-recruiting site with cover letters, résumés and phone calls. But no more than two employers have responded to her outreach, and those leads have borne no fruit.
Her complaint adds, "The office of career advancement information technology counselor did not make sure their Monroe e-recruiting clients call their graduates that recently finished college for an interview to get a job placement. They have not tried hard enough to help me."
She suggested that Monroe's Office of Career Advancement shows preferential treatment to students with excellent grades. "They favor more toward students that got a 4.0. They help them more out with the job placement," she said.
Monroe College released a statement saying that "while it is clear that no college, especially in this economy, can guarantee employment, Monroe College remains committed to working with all its students, including Ms. Thompson, who graduated only three months ago, to prepare them for careers and to support them during their job search."
Thompson says she has not hired an attorney to represent her because she cannot afford one. When she filed her complaint, she also filed a "poor person order," which exempts her from filing fees associated with the lawsuit.
Asked whether she would advise other college graduates facing job woes to sue their alma maters, Thompson said yes.
"It doesn't make any sense: They went to school for four years, and then they come out working at McDonald's and Payless. That's not what they planned."
My commentary:
- Well I don’t think she is going to get a job now. Think she just blew her chances.
- “A 2.7 G.P.A. and solid attendance record” Yes, when you go to college, it is expected to actually attend classes. It is not something I would go on bragging about that “yay I went to class! Good for me!” It is one of those minimal requirements.
- Suing your alma maters is NOT GOOD ADVICE!
- Being a college graduate myself, I know that we are all in the same boat, whether we are fresh out of college or experienced workers, jobs are hard to come by.
- "They're supposed to say, 'I got this student, her attendance is good, her GPA is all right -- can you interview this person?' They're not doing that,"
oh ok.
Enough said. I just find this rather humorous.
Graduation and Newel K. Whitney Breakfast

So the day has finally come! I graduated at BYU-Idaho with a Bachelors of Science in Communications with an emphasis in broadcasting. Mom and Dad were able to come. They helped me move and were able to come to commencement and convocation. Commencement was very good. The speakers did an excellent job. They gave inspirational talks about preparing for the future, having hope, building your lifelong resume etc. President Clark also spoke. It was amazing that Mom and Dad were seriously sitting very close to me. If I looked straight to my right they were there. It was perfect seating! Convocation was good. They gave us an alumni pin and diploma cover to each graduate. They went through the names really fast. In about fifteen minutes, they read aloud over two hundred names. We took lots of pictures before and after.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
You know you are short when...
2. You can't change a light bulb because you can't reach it even standing on a chair.
3. You can't see your whole face in a public restroom mirror because the mirror is too high.
4. Your feet dangle from a chair cause your feet can't touch the ground.
5. You have to climb on shelves to get to a higher shelf and thats when the employee asks you to stop and volunteers to get the item for you.
6. you have to wait for the bishopric to lower the podium a couple feet before giving a sacrament talk.
7. you can barely reach the pedals when going on an exercise bike. You have to stretch your legs and "yes, the seat cannot go any lower. sorry."
8. you have a hard time giving your signature on the credit card machine. You either have to try and lower the machine or stand on your tippy toes. (this has happened before and more than once!)
I will try and think of more later. I may or may have not experienced these eight things =)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Piano (wo)man
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Blooper Moment...

So today, I decided to use the exercise equipment in the lounge of my apartment complex. I also wanted to get ahead on some reading so I brought my history book and a pen with me to study and also work out. Now this treadmill was new so for some reason it didn't have that emergency stop safety clip you attach to your person. But as I was running, I was reading and marking things in my book. Things were going pretty good. Then the treadmill was going faster. As my book was bouncing up and down, I was concentrating harder on the words and not fully paying attention to my surroundings. Soon enough, I forgot that I was doing two things at once and took a tumble. I lost control and fell flat on my face! My history book went flying, I was down on the belt of the treadmill, trying to crawl up the treadmill while it was going full speed. I wanted to pull the emergency stop, but it was too late, I was quickly thrown off the end of the machine. Suddenly, I was on the floor of the exercise room. My knees were skinned up and slightly bleeding because of my unsuccessful crawling attempt. I got up and then looked for my book and turned off that darn treadmill :)
Friday, April 17, 2009
A Word on the DHS RIghtwing Extremism Report
A Student’s Perspective on the Rightwing Extremism Report by the DHS
“I didn’t know I was an extremist”
I first heard this news about classifying and warming Rightwing Extremists from my sister Beckie. To be frank, I did not believe her. I thought this report was just some far-fetched rumor. And to my surprise, I was wrong.
When I researched this news, I went to several prominent and credible news sites. At I found this article Now Fox news is known for its conservative news reporting so I was a little doubtful of the accuracy of the article. I thought the reporter could be overreacting to the whole situation. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as the report stated.
Next I went to, the more liberal news source. I continued to find several articles of how controversial this report was. This showed that maybe there wasn’t as big of a bias.
I did extensive research on this report, reading several articles and opinions regarding this issue, but I wanted to get to the true source:the actual report. No commentaries, no opinions; just the straight truth.
After looking over the ten-page report from the Department of Homeland Security, I was appalled by its distorted definitions of right-wing extremists. The report states Rightwing extremism in the United States can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily hate-oriented (based on hatred of particular religious, racial or ethnic groups),
and those that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.
So are we to say that those who oppose abortion or immigration are possible suspects of political extremitism? That is outrageous! I guess I could be an extremist, because I strongly oppose abortion.
The article also states “ (U//FOUO) Proposed imposition of firearms restrictions and weapons bans
likely would attract new members into the ranks of rightwing extremist groups,
as well as potentially spur some of them to begin planning and training for
violence against the government…
— (U//FOUO) Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are
attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing
extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to
boost their violent capabilities. “
This article disrespects our veterans who have fought so bravely to protect our natural and human rights. Does this take a way the credibility and purpose of our military if the government is insulting its military veterans?
Overall, this report is a threat to the constitution. It challenges the validity of the Bill or Rights. If you would like to see the report yourself, go to
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Paint war

So my roomies and I and a bunch of friends decided to have a paint war. my roomies went to the festival of colors in utah where they throw a whole bunch of chalk at people. They arrived late so couldn't get to throw chalk at others, so we decided to have our own messy fun. We got five buckets of watered down paint and then all 15 of us went to war. we threw five colors of paint all over each other. I got some paint in my hair, my eyes, my ears. I was soaked. That lasted for a fun-filled few minutes.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Pictures, Parties, and Silliness

Here is the continuation of our fun. And yes we do study, and we do HW, but we do like to have a social life.
Roommate Fun

During the semester, my roommates and I like to do stupid, but fun things. A while ago we had ganster night where we dressed up thugs and went shopping to Wal-mart and Broulims. we may have looked pretty stupid, but why not go hardcore? Ok we really look like idiots with our false sense of Ganster style.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A News Package!!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Christmas with Family
