Sunday, July 27, 2008

The End of all Things... Not ReallyÜ

So on July 18th I finished my internship. I was so lucky to intern at FOX 21. It has been a blast. I have learned a lot and made friends too. Here is a reflective essay I wrote about my experience.

Life as an Intern
A Reflective Essay

Part I
The Journey

It was only three months ago when I first walked into the FOX studio. I remember feeling sick to my stomach as I wondered how I was going to be treated, what I was going to do. It seemed overwhelming. But as soon I began my internship, the workers made me feel welcome. I first dove into my internship with a rocky anchor read and a look at the graphics that I would eventually be doing on a frequent basis. I was unsure, unsure if this right for me. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I was scared and nervous, feeling I would never be comfortable there.
My very first weeks were awkward; awkward meant I was terribly shy. Everyone seemed so laid back while I felt so out of place. I would barely talk except ask questions. Despite my intimidation, I still would do things I was terrified of doing. On the second day, I was asked to help interview. I did it, but with the uncertainty. The beginning, I basically observed and watched, trying to learn the basics. I shadowed reporters, the director, the assignment editor, and photographers. I was a sponge trying to soak up all the information. I was surprised to know that news was so complex.
After a little while, after getting the feel of things, I began doing. Instead of just asking questions, I asked to do stand-ups, to practice writing scripts, to edit packages. I feel I learn best that way. Spending weeks of observing is not enough. Learning comes best when you have the hands-on experience. I still felt a little uncomfortable with the news team, but I kept pushing out of my comfort zone. I will never learn if I never do.
As I began to take action, I began to see what I am better at and what I would like to pursue. Being a videographer and editor seems the most interesting. I would try to write my own packages which are probably the most challenging and then I would edit the footage. One of the trickiest things is voice tracking. It took me a little while to feel comfortable enough to do that, to talk aloud so everyone can hear. With the help of Jocelyn, the assignment editor, I was able to go on high profile stories, to see President Bush, go on the top security command center, to see Obama, and be on TV.
I realize that I am on perfectionist. I don’t like to sit around when there was not much to do. Doing nothing made me feel lazy so I was anxious to grab an empty computer, to start editing, perfecting my work. I would try and make myself busy, grab every opportunity I could.
The last few weeks were different. I began to talk more, to chat about stuff that wasn’t all work. It was when I began to open myself up more that I began to connect to those I spent so much time with. I became comfortable. Interning became easier. If I never learned to not be so self-conscious, to relax a little bit, I don’t think I would value my experience at FOX as much.
Being more flexible, more comfortable helped me learn that internship are great experiences. I will miss working here a lot! But this internship has given me confidence and hope as I begin my career in broadcasting.

Part II
The Lessons

“The internship is only as good as the intern”
These were one of the most important words my supervisor said to me. It is true. I could have sat back, just watched, but if I wasn’t willing to put forth effort to learn, my internship would be unsuccessful. Internships require hard work; it requires action. There are some stations that might not let the intern do that much, so that can’t be helped, but if they do, I say go for it.

If you don’t ask, you lose the opportunities
Ask, yes ask, even if it’s uncomfortable. What’s the worst thing that can happen? They say no. But if you never ask, it will never happen. Ask to do stand-up, to shoot video, to edit, to go on video shoots. Doing this helped me get several stand-ups and a few packages for my resume tape. This goes with my first lesson.

News can be stressful
Sometimes you go out on stories and that story has to be turned quickly. I went to a fire story and we got back at 8:30, the newscast started at 9. That meant the package had to be edited and on air in mater of minutes. Turning a story quickly can make the job stressful.
I also was in charge of graphics one night and had almost double to do. It was a tight deadline, but I scrambled. I got my first taste of being under the pressure.

Respecting the Work
I made the move to see the aspects of the station: master control, promotions, commercial production etc. This helped me understand what others have to go through. If you don’t understand what other peoples’ job responsibilites are and respect them, tensions will be more likely. Also, realize that everyone works hard so asking to help is important. I would ask to carry equipment, do the graphics, etc. It just makes everything go smoother and the workers don’t mind either.

Practice makes perfect
When I made graphics; it took a lot of practice. Repetition was the key. Several times I received training, but the more I did it, the faster, the better I became. I kept losing video footage so I constantly had to make new packages, re-edit footage, and overall re-do things, It was frustrating, but doing more helped be better and what I was learning.

Copyright 2008, Hillary Strawderman

All Rights Reserved.


Mily said...

glad you had so much fun at your internship and that you learned so much.

The Strawdermans! said...

you have a bright future ahead of you!!!! sounds like an experience not soon to be forgotten! молодец!!

shannonel said...

Wow! It sounds like you learn alot through this internship, not only about the duties required but alot about yourself. You are a good writer too. We will miss you in Colorado but enjoy your senior year in college!