Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hanging out with the Fam...

While in Colorado, I have the opportunity to hang out with my sister and her family. That means playing with my niece and nephew. That is fun. Anaya is usually very quiet and girly which is adorable. Austin is so energetic and fun to talk to. Sometimes I go swimming with them and help supervise.

Beckie came into town last weekend. It was a lot of fun. We went shopping, swimming, talked, had a movie night etc. It was great to have some company and its a bonus when its with family. She stayed at my place in my own apt. We chatted and had good quality time.

Oh so I've been living in my new apt. Its nice to have my own crib. I have a nice mountain view and close location to family.

The Halfway Mark...An Overview

Well I can't believe this upcoming week is my halfway mark of my internship. I have learned a lot these last several weeks, but I still have much to learn. Its overwelming there is so much to know. There are so many questions. So far a few of things I have done...
A LOT of these things I have learned the very basics. Its just a little taste of everything.

1. shooting video for packages and VOSOT's

2. learn some basic functions of the camera's- different camera shots, features etc.

3. how to direct a topical

4. the process of making newscast graphics for the show and importing them into the Aprisa system.

5. running prompter

6. a little bit of how master control works

7. how to shoot a commerical that will please both audience and client

8. how the basic Avid newscutter program works

9. how I-news works

10. to shoot stand-ups (more difficult then they look)

11. the responsiblites of assignment editor

12. what a producer does- what the script involves

13. how to set up the FOX studio

and there's more that I haven't listed.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I did what...

An intern day- Tuesday the 13th

I went at 6:30 to a shoot at Peterson Air force Base to celebrate the 50th anniversary of NORAD-North American Defense Command. There was a lot of security. We had to have the car, all the equipment, and bags checked several times. They even had to go through the video footage, have escorts everywhere etc. This tedious process helped me learn that sometimes news require waiting for a long time. Patience is a must. I then watched a reporter log the sound clips and video she wanted. Next, I went to the Olympic center and watched speakers talk to Olympic athletes about etiquette and how to behave in Beijing. There were volleyball teams and martial art teams there. It was really cool to see. One of the reporters at FOX then interviewed an Olympian that does taekwando.

Friday, May 2, 2008

More to Learn...

This week I watched the night side producer produce the nine P.M. newscast. He showed me that he looks for national and state stories and then fills in the local stories. He also showed me how the Ross command video system works. I also watched director, Ian make some CG's and OTS graphics etc. I tried making them and was able to make one for the newscast. This week I mainly watched different reporters and photographers edit pkgs, VOSOT's etc. They went pretty fast, but it was good to know the shortcuts and basic editing process. I also went with Pedro at the forum DNC convention. I asked a couple questions too for an interview. The next day, I went with promotions/commercial production, I watched them shoot a commercial, how they do the lighting and a little bit of how the camera works. I then watched them put the footage in Avid. I also got to pick the music for the commercial. Ok. That's all.